Change Management Training

1 day (10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern)


Register for a live online class.

Aug 1 (closed)


Subjects Covered


Setup Requirements


Course Details

This intensive one-day course provides a comprehensive overview of change management, focusing on leading people through organizational change. Participants will gain an understanding of change drivers and types, explore human reactions to change, and learn to apply frameworks to lead successful change initiatives. Through interactive exercises and case studies, they will develop strategies for gaining buy-in, managing resistance, supporting individuals through transitions, and developing a culture that embraces change. At the end of the course, participants will be equipped with a roadmap to prepare for, implement, and sustain organizational change initiatives in a human-centered way.

Subjects Covered

  • Introduction to Change Management
    • Defining Change Management
    • Importance of Change Management
    • Types of Organizational Change: Developmental, Transitional, Transformational
    • Drivers of Change in Business and Society
    • The Impact of Digital Transformation
    • Ethical Considerations
  • The Human Side of Change
    • Understanding Natural Resistance to Change
    • Emotional Impact of Change (Change Curve, Fear, Anxiety)
    • Building Resilience and Adaptability in People
    • Addressing Cognitive Biases and Resistance
  • Change Management Theories and Models
    • Lewin’s 3-Stage Change Model
    • Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model
    • McKinsey 7-S Model
    • ADKAR Model for Individual Change
    • Selecting and Applying Models Based on Type of Change
  • Leading Change
    • Leadership Skills and Styles for Driving Change
    • Building Vision and Communicating Change
    • Empowering and Motivating Teams Through Change
    • Managing Remote Teams Through Change
  • Implementing Organizational Change
    • Developing Change Strategy and Plans
    • Engaging Stakeholders and Gaining Buy-in
    • Managing Change: Roles, Responsibilities, and Timeline
    • Sustaining Change: Reinforcements, Celebrations
  • Organizational Culture and Change Readiness
    • Assessing Organizational Change
    • Developing a Culture Embracing Change
    • Change Readiness Assessments
    • Building Change Readiness in Teams
  • Measuring Change Success
    • Key Performance Indicators
    • Qualitative and Quantitative Measures
    • Employee Adoption and Satisfaction Metrics
    • Short-term Wins and Long-term Results
  • Case Studies in Change Management
  • Designing a Change Management Plan


Before Taking this Class


Setup Requirements

Software/Setup For this Class


Onsite Training

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